March 1, 2022

NBC's Vaughn Hillyard had Trump stooge and president of CPAC Matt Schlapp twisted up in knots trying to defend his speaking slot for Marjorie Taylor Greene while canceling Liz Cheney.

Marge speaking to and legitimizing a Neo-Nazi conference is perfectly fine by Schlapp.

Schlapp said, "I think it's great Marjorie Taylor Greene was on the stage because she was elected by her constituents to have a vote in Congress."

Schlapp whined that Speaker Pelosi stripped her from her conference duties and Twitter shut her down for so many COVID lies.

Schlapp is arguing that no matter what crime or immoral activity a Republican takes if they are held accountable, it's a violation of the First Amendment.

Hillyard said Marge was lending legitimacy to the White supremacist conference that was being held down the road.

Schlapp tried to whatabout NBC News and claimed he was providing legitimacy to Hillyard and NBC, so it's the same thing as letting a Nazi sympathizer speak at CPAC.

"I'm providing legitimacy to you and your network by being allowed to be in his room. It's called the First Amendment and you are a member of the press and you have the right to be here. "

The First Amendment applies to the government trying to silence a free press, not letting a racist and anti-Semite speak at his private function.

Because Trump lied so much and so often, he was at odds with any legitimate journalist or reporter so Schlapp needs to argue that a reporter and a Nazi are the same thing in his eyes.

"If I had said you couldn’t come into this room, how would that make America better?" Schlapp said. he then laughingly claimed there's a whole lot of diversity at his conference.

Hillyard then caught him like a fly in the web of truth.

"Did you extend an invite to Liz Cheney?

Schlapp replied, "No."

"Marjorie Taylor Greene over Liz Cheney?" Hillyard stated.

Schlapp claimed her voting record rated by his organization was a C, (78% lifetime) so she was unworthy to be at CPAC, but if Nazi sympathizer votes more in line with the GOP, then that's awesome.

The ACU doesn't even list MTG's voting record at all on its website.

Schlapp then scolded Hillyard and claimed shutting down Marge is a bad thing.

So why was it okay for Schlapp to cancel and shut down Liz Cheney?

We know why, because Cheney wouldn't stand for Traitor Trump's lies about election fraud resulting in the J6 Insurrection.

Matt Schlapp was a big part of trying to overthrow the 2020 election -- let's hope he burns for it.

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