McConnell Takes Rick Scott To The Woodshed
Credit: Meme Generator
March 2, 2022

Guys, amply be-chinned Mitch McConnell took Sen. Rick Scott to the ol’ woodshed for that 11-point plan Batboy released last week:

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republican leaders are warning Rick Scott that his agenda for the GOP could expose the party to unnecessary attacks this fall, a significant intraparty rebuke of the Floridian.

“Ah say, Ah say, boy, y’all don’t want to say what we’re FOR before an election!” Mitch didn’t say. “What if, what if someone listens?”

“Let me tell you what will not be a part of our agenda: We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people and sunsets Social Security and Medicare after five years. That will not be part of the Republican Senate majority agenda,” McConnell said.

“Not in public, anyway,” Mitch didn’t add with his trademark warm smile that makes children scream and dogs growl.

Scott declined to address the Monday meeting with McConnell, and said in a brief interview that he’s “not ever going to talk about private conversations, but I believe it’s important to tell people what we’re going to do.”

And then Scott returned to his true form and flapped his wings and disappeared into the night.

Excerpted with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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