Fox Nation host Laura Logan joined a QAnon show called And We Know where she tried to claim that Darwin's theory of evolution was bought and paid for by a Jewish global cabal.
One of the deep QAnon conspiracies goes way back. For many years wingers have claimed the Rothchilds were the ultimate globalists controlling the entire world.
I've watched some of it and it's more than bizarre.
"They can go back to the Big Bang theory - Darwin, I mean when I found out. Does anyone know when, who employed Darwin? Where Darwinism comes from? Well, I mean, you know, look it up. The Rothschilds," Logan said.
"Look it up," she said.
I did and I wonder, did she? There's no evidence of her conspiracy as usual, but it's discussed on Quora.
Right on cue, Logan then linked the globalists to England.
"It goes right back to 10 Downing Street," Logan surmised.
Logan continued, "The same people who employed Darwin, and that's when Darwin wrote his theory of evolution."
Attacking science, Logan said Darwin was hired by the Jews to come up with that "evolution theory." It's insane.
What's also crazy is she says it's all "based on evidence, fine."
As if that's a problem.
Americans who watch Fox News and Newsmax get a taste of the extreme right in this country, but the fever swamps of QAnon burrow deeper and deeper into the unconscionable. It won't be long now until these insane racist ideas bubble up to the surface.
Logan needs to be removed from Fox News altogether. Immediately.