March 24, 2022

Alabama's Attorney General has been linked to an alleged role in organizing the Capitol rally of January 6, 2021, a charge which he denies. Still, it's telling that given the opportunity to say that Joe Biden was duly elected he refused to utter the words. In poker, that is literally called a tell.

I guess this makes him a hero for the MAGA crowd. To the rest of us though his foolishness is infuriating.

Source: Yahoo News

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall testified Thursday as a Republican witness in opposition to the confirmation of President Biden's Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, but instead made headlines over his refusal to acknowledge Biden as the "duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States."

Marshall was questioned by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., who focused his initial line of questioning on Marshall's views about Biden.

WHITEHOUSE: "Is Joseph R. Biden of Delaware the duly elected and lawfully elected serving president of the United States of America?"

MARSHALL: "He is the president of this country."

WHITEHOUSE: "Is he the duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States?"

MARSHALL: "He is the president of this country."

WHITEHOUSE: "Are you answering that omitting the language 'duly elected and lawfully serving' purposefully?"

MARSHALL: "I'm answering the question. He is the president of the United States."

WHITEHOUSE: "And you have no view as to whether he was duly elected or is lawfully serving?"

MARSHALL: "I'm telling you he is the president of the United States."

WHITEHOUSE: "No further questions."


Marshall's comments went viral, of course.

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