February 28, 2022

Ron Johnson claimed that President Joe Biden and the Democrats who impeached TFG for blackmailing Ukraine to get dirt on either Biden or his son, Hunter Biden, were to blame for Putin's invasion into Ukraine:

"I do not think Vladimir Putin would have moved on Ukraine if it were not for the weakness displayed certainly by the Biden administration, but also by the west in general," he told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. "And I'm certainly hoping that [retired United States Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vidman], Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, who used Ukraine as a pawn in their impeachment travesty, are also recognized and reflecting they weakened Ukraine, weakened the west, weakened America by the divisive politics that they play."

RoJo's allegations are nothing more than a paraphrasing of what TFG has been saying, claiming that he had kept Putin in check through strength of force.

In reality, the Orange Shitgibbon was nothing more than Putin's pet surrender monkey.

While there are numerous examples of TFG kissing up to and deferring to Putin, none stand out more than Trump's abandonment of the Kurds in Syria, when he falsely claimed to have defeated ISIS and abruptly pulling out American troops, abandoning the Kurds, who were fighting for pure survival, as well as American bases and equipment in Syria.

Trump's surrender was so abrupt and complete that Syrian forces, joined by Russian mercenaries, literally crossed paths with the American troops:

There is no reason in the world to believe that Trump would have done anything different for Ukraine, except maybe abandon them even faster than he did the Kurds.

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