The Final Days and the End Times are big on the evangelical circuit. Different denominations claim dibs on actually predicting the final days.
Earlier today, Pat Robertson told his 700 Club audience that if you read Ezekiel, it tells you that Putin is being compelled by God to link up with Turkey and then attack Israel.
Robertson spent almost five minutes showing ancient maps overlapping current ones to make his case.
"Do I think Putin is out of his mind. Yes, maybe so, but at the same time he is being compelled by God. He went into Ukraine, but that was not his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately...," Robertson said.
Robertson defended Putin again by quoting the Bible, "God said, I am going to put hooks in your jaws. I'm gonna draw you into the battle whether you like it or not. He's being compelled."
So in Pat's mind Trump was called by God to strengthen Putin, praise him, then weaken NATO as much as possible to make it easier for Putin to attack Israel.
That's like seven dimensional chess, right there.