Journalist Yuriy Butusov lunged at parliamentary deputy Nestor Shufrych, slapping him in the head. Shufrych responded with fists.
February 22, 2022

Tempers flared on a live TV show a few days when a journalist took offense at a pro-Putin's comments. The two brawled on the stage floor for nearly a minute. Remarkably, Shufrych returned to continue the show, scratched and bruised, but still defending Russia's actions.

The entire show was, shall we say, a little testy, with Yatsenyuk asking Shufrych whether Putin was a “murderer and a criminal.”

“Let Ukraine’s authorities deal with that,” Shufrych responded.

Poroshenko mocked Shufrych for his response, and said: “There’s a Russian agent right here in the studio.”

I imagine the show got exactly what it was designed to do, be a Ukrainian version of The Jerry Springer Show, but with a lot higher stakes.

Source: NewsIn.Asia

A journalist punched a pro-Russian Ukrainian politician on live TV during a discussion about Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Video of the incident shows journalist Yuriy Butusov lunging at parliamentary deputy Nestor Shufrych from the pro-Russian party Opposition Platform – For Life, and slapping him in the face before putting him in a headlock. Shufrych is one of 450 deputies in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament.

Footage of the incident shows the two brawling for nearly a minute, during which time others attempted to intervene and pull them apart to no avail.

The altercation took place during host Savik Shuster’s Freedom of Speech talk show on TV network Ukraina TV, which featured Shufrych on a panel alongside former Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and ex-president Petro Poroshenko, both of whom share pro-Western sentiments.

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