February 25, 2022

Liz Wahl, who was a correspondent for Russia Today from 2011 to 2014, appeared on Dan Abrams Live to talk about state media propaganda -- and along the way, she brought up Fox TV and Tucker Carlson.

Wahl said she wanted to warn people about the dangers of Russian propaganda and the way it uses Western voices, both on the far left and the far right -- like Tucker Carlson.

“You see people like Tucker Carlson, they mimic, they mimic RT now. They are indistinguishable. And for people that are watching, and people that don’t want to be duped, they really need to be careful about the kind of content that they consume online,” she said. "Because it won't necessarily have an RT stamp on it."

Abrams took umbrage and said Fox was clearly distinguishable from what's commonly found on RT.

Say what now, Dan?

Wahl firmly contradicted him. "I think what worries me is that you don't seem to have an understanding of the misinformation," she said, but he cut her off, saying RT is "a different level" of what Tucker Carlson does.

Dan needs to take a closer look. Because Tucker Carlson is repeating RT talking points on a reliable basis, to the point where we know what he's going to say before he's even said it. Maybe he should read C&L!

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