“It’s like a person charged with dangerous driving and being asked not to operate a car… and two days later he is seen operating a tank,” said Asst. Crown Attorney Moiz Karimjee of King's previous weapons offence.
February 26, 2022

Another of the organizers that closed down Ottawa, Canada for over three weeks with their truck convoy goes down in the flames at his bail hearing. Not only were their questions about the woman who guaranteed his bail, but an old weapons offence was also enough for a judge to deny him bail.

Source: Ottawa Citizen

Justice Andrew Seymour made the decision Friday afternoon, saying King’s proposed surety isn’t suitable. The court heard earlier in the week that the woman put forward as King’s surety — the person responsible for supervising an accused person while they are out on bail — had only met the convoy organizer a few weeks prior and had travelled to Ottawa with him.

The decision comes after Seymour rejected a request from the Crown earlier in the day to bring forward new evidence that King allegedly breached court conditions in 2016 by purchasing a restricted handgun two days after an Alberta court ordered him to turn in his firearms.

A Crown Attorney put it this way:

“In the Crown’s view this evidence is significantly relevant to the question of bail, because it indicates that Mr. King will neither follow the spirit or the letter of the law,” Karimjee said. “It’s like a person charged with dangerous driving and being asked not to operate a car… and two days later he is seen operating a tank.”

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