Well, this is certainly stupid. The owner, Tammy Giuliani, originally contributed $100 via GoFundMe but had her money returned. She then sent $250 vis GiveSendGo, where her name appeared on a hacked list. Ottawa citizens weren't thrilled to see one of their own fund a bunch of arseholes making their lives miserable every day with the snarled traffic started phoning her shop to voice their displeasure. Ironic, as Stella Luna Café is right downtown in Ottawa, meaning her own business was probably affected by this stupidity going on.
I guess with a name like Giuliani one shouldn't be surprised. I assume Tammy will make an appearance play the victim on Fox News any moment now.
Source: Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa’s Stella Luna Gelato Café was forced to close Tuesday after receiving threats when owner Tammy Giuliani’s name appeared on a hacked list of GiveSendGo donors to the Ottawa “Freedom Convoy.”
Giuliani says that she now regrets making her $250 donation on Feb. 5 and that staff in the shop had begun receiving threats Monday morning after her donation was posted on Twitter.
“We got a call from the team saying, ‘We’re getting phone calls here,'” Giuliani said in a phone interview Monday afternoon. “I said, ‘What’s going on?’ and they said, ‘They’re threatening to throw bricks through our window. They’re threatening to come and get us.’ We said, ‘Lock the door and we’ll find out what’s going on.'”
Giuliani said she ordered the shop closed and staff to go home for their own safety. She said she intended to report the threats to police.
Giuliani was so chuffed to send them money she even wrote a note thanking them.
In the leaked GiveSendGo post, Giuliani wrote she had initially given $100 on GoFundMe, but asked for a refund when that fund was frozen.
“Now I’m giving you $250 and taking food down to the truckers every day. Thank you for continuing to fight for Canadians across this country,” she wrote.
Giuliani confirmed she made the donation, but said she had no idea about what she thought was a “peaceful, grassroots movement” would become.
Giuliani did receive some support though from a surprising source. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).