January 24, 2022

The Supreme Court will not take up Kevin McCarthy's frivolous lawsuit against Speaker Nancy Pelosi over a PROXY voting system that was installed during the pandemic.

Minority Leader McCarthy already lost in court twice before turning to Supreme Court, hoping they would do his bidding.

The justices refused to take up the case. so the lower court ruling stands which quashed his challenge.

In practice, the proxy privilege has been widely used by members of both sides of the aisle, often for non-pandemic reasons. Top House Republicans have vowed to kill the practice if they take control of the chamber in the 2022 midterm elections.

Trying to protect Congressional members from, you know, getting the virus and dying was Pelosi's intent, but Republicans care not for the health and safety of their own members if it means Democrats can accomplish something.

GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik used the proxy vote many times after giving birth, but now says she is completely against it. "We believe in in-person voting. When Republicans win back the House, that's what we are committed to."

Here's another case of Republican leadership that says, don't look at what I do, only what I say.

McCarthy's bogus suit was nothing more than an attempt to Democrats from passing legislation during the pandemic.

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