January 9, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday explained why he has decided to run for Senate again despite promising to impose term limits on himself.

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo spoke to Johnson soon after he announced he is running again.

"There are many factors," Johnson asserted. "It wasn't an easy decision. But I think probably the easiest way to put it is that I love America dearly. I love the American people. I love the folks in Wisconsin and I think this country is in trouble. I think Democrats in power in Washington have put us on a very dangerous path and I think I'm in a position to help improve things."

"It really just boils down -- it's that simple," he continued. "We need to restore confidence in so many institutions within -- throughout America, whether it's in governmental agencies, whether it's in media, in big tech. People have lost confidence. And the only way I can see restoring confidence is we need to ask a lot of questions, we need to get some answers, we need accountability."

Johnson added: "We need the truth and unfortunately the truth is being censored today at an alarming, very disconcerting rate. And so, I'm just one of those truth-tellers. I ask tough questions, I try and get answers. But when I tell the truth, the truths that the media elite, the governing elite don't want to hear, I get censored, I get attacked, I get vilified but it doesn't deter me. And I think we need people who are willing to seek the truth."

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