Malinowski: After Watching Tucker, Viewers Want US To Support Russia
Credit: Screengrab
January 24, 2022

Rep. Tom Malinowski, Democrat from New Jersey, tweeted out that he's receiving a multitude of phone calls from Tucker Carlson fans who are furious that the United States is supporting our ally, Ukraine. Instead they want America to support Putin.

You can't make this up.

I've written how Carlson started to support Putin when Trump took office. Now he's become the Betty Grable pinup model for Russia since Biden took office, and has been promoting kompromat against NATO, as well as against Ukraine as much as he can.

This shows the kind of Stepford influence Fox News has over its more malleable viewers. Have they ever opened up a book about American history? Or maybe read something other than what they see on VDare?

It makes me wonder if Putin has a pee-pee tape on Tuckems.

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