Trying to get at the truth behind the planned coup to try and overthrow a duly elected government is the real crime for the disgraced former Speaker of the House.
January 23, 2022

Newt Gingrich told Maria Bartiromo that if and when Republicans take control of Congress they will subpoena members of the January 6 committee, causing many of them to eventually end up in jail for investigation of the insurrection.

Bartiromo commented that Gingrich wrote an op-ed saying the Democrats will pay for the investigation.

Gingrich described Republicans as sheep.

Thanks Newt.

After a long winded rant, Gingrich said, "I think when you have Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down the other and they are the ones who in fact, I think face the real risk of jail for the kind of laws they're breaking."

Gingrich claims that "Every every conversation, every tweet, every email will be investigated by Republicans."

I'm confused. Was it the Democratic Party that attacked the US Capitol?

Democrats are breaking all the rules going after innocent people equating them to the British monarchy, Newt grumbled, going on to say that Republicans had their fee fees hurt because Democrats have been "so tough and so mean and nasty."

Ever watch Gym Jordan, Mr. Newt?

Trying to investigate the first insurrection at the US Capitol by American citizens is too much for the former Republican speaker of the House, and super shill for Traitor Trump.

Newt Gingrich ruined many innocent lives with his Clinton investigations. He can sit down and shut up now. Twitter had thoughts, too:

Liz Cheney weighs in, and she's right:

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