January 23, 2022

In a new Fox News poll released on Friday, 63% polled say they do not want Roe v Wade overturned.

"Sixty-three percent prefer to let the landmark case stand," Fox News said.

In their article on Fox News' website, the polling is fine, but they write the article as if those opposing a women's right to choose is gaining ground, which it is not.

Fox News Poll: While majority still supports Roe, opposition ticks up to new high

Support for toppling Roe v. Wade is at a new high, according to a Fox News poll of registered voters released Friday, yet twice as many voters still want it to stand.

A tick one way or the other is not conclusive of anything. Look at this graphic.


On Fox New Sunday, host Shannon Bream brought on super-anti-pro choice governor Kristi Noem from South Dakota to disavow the polling results as best she could.

After reporting on the poll, Bream asked, "Are you out of step with the American people on this?"

Noem changed the subject as best she could, replying, "No, in fact 71% of Americans believe there should be some reasonable restriction on abortion."

Noem wasn't asked about any type of restrictions, only if Republicans are out of step with the American people who do not support overturning Roe v Wade.

The South Dakota governor didn't explain where she got her polling information, but the question was about overturning Roe v Wade. The heartbeat insanity is reasonable in any one's mind except for those trying to overturn abortion rights completely.

Once again, a vocal minority of Republicans in this country want to dictate how over 330 million Americans live their lives in accordance to their horrible interpretations of the Bible.

Today is evangelicals' "Right to Life Sunday" where they preach against Roe from the pulpit. Unfortunately, they're all for the fetus, but children, the poor and elderly? Not so much.

Americans do not live in a theocracy. Yet.

Karoli Kuns contributed to this article

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