December 30, 2021

Read any good "all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years" lately, Sarah Palin?

Wanna run for an office you can quit for a TV deal?

Just in time for New Year's, Quitty McGrifty tells disgraced and fired-from-Fox-for-sexting-at-work Eric Bolling (now at Newsmax, Fox News's compost barrel) that she would like to "serve." Translated, get paid for being on TV.

We gotta wonder if she's paying alimony to Todd.

“Do you have aspirations to get back into elected office or anything more in politics?” asked Sexty McFired.

“I would love to,” the Big Gulp slurper replied. “I would never say never… I feel like there are still some offerings that I have in terms of a service heart. I want to serve. I want to help the people. And I think I have a heck of a lot of common sense, and that’s what we need today. And I’m not so obsessively partisan that I let that get in the way of doing what’s right for the people.”

Bolling loved it! “Stay tuned, in other words, folks.”

Oh, we shall. The 2022 Republican primaries are gonna be LIT with or without Palin attempting another grift.

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