December 17, 2021

Here's a person who thinks he is the only one who matters in the entire universe.

Not on an airplane, you don't.

A passenger, "Florida man" OF COURSE Adam Jenne, made the stupid decision to pretend a red ladies' thong was a sufficient mask for airplane travel.

He was taken off the plane. (I think he should be banned from flying for years, but according to Fox4 he "is now banned from United flights until his case has been reviewed by the Passenger Incident Review Committee."

It turns out this is not the first time he's pulled this stunt. He "was also asked to leave a Delta Airlines flight for wearing underwear." He's doing this to get an interview on Tucker, betcha.

Also, betcha he did not wear the thong on his face going through security. And his ticket is a contract that requires him to obey all safety edicts as outlined by the flight attendants.

It isn't complicated.

Buddy, you got your fifteen seconds, not minutes, of fame. GTFOH.

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