Mike Lindell Storms Out Of Interview After Question About QAnon
December 7, 2021

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell abruptly ended an interview with a British documentary team after he was asked about the QAnon movement.

Lindell appears in Channel 4's documentary,The Cult of Conspiracy: QAnon, which is scheduled to air on Tuesday.

A portion of the interview was revealed on Monday in a promotion for the program. During the interview, Lindell became irate when he was asked about QAnon's support for his effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

"It doesn't matter who stands behind us or doesn't stand," Lindell complains. "The evidence, the truth shall set you free. I think the interview is over. Waste of my time!"

"But why does it need to be offensive?" Channel 4's host asked.

"Because that's what you all are!" Lindell exclaimed as he ripped off his microphone. "That's such a joke what you did. Shame on you."

"Thank you very much," the host replied.

"It's people like you that have hurt our country," Lindell snapped before walking out of the room.

The documentary team also spoke to former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn about the QAnon movement.

At first, Flynn feigned ignorance.

"You know what it is at this point," Channel 4's interviewer pressed.

"A group of people that don't like pedophilia?" Flynn remarked.

Watch the video clip below from Channel 4.

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