FRAUD! Florida Woman Busted For Casting Multiple Ballots In 2020
Credit: Joan Halstead
December 2, 2021

A Trump-supporting right wing woman was booked into Sumter County jail for "casting more than one ballot at any election." According to Raw Story, she was released a few hours later after posting $2,000 bond.

The offense she is charged with is a third-degree felony in Florida, punishable. by up to five years in prison.

Halstead is a registered Republican in Florida as of June, 2020. And of course, she's (apparently) a Trump supporter. Here's one post from her Facebook page (screen capture):


That was posted on January 19th, just before President Biden was inaugurated. The meme challenges viewers: "You don't have the balls to share because you're afraid to offend your snowflake friends."

Halstead added her own thoughts: "His list of accomplishments, even while being persecuted daily, are amazing."

It's clear that projection is strong with right-wingers. Any fraud is coming from their side of the aisle, and most specifically from Trump's most ardent supporters.

UPDATE: Not only does it appear Halstead voted more than once, she's also running for a school board seat against another Villager. It's the Republican way!!!

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