"They want to silence me." Mehmet Oz, a celebrity doctor who is running as a Republican for U.S. Senate, lashed out at a newspaper on Monday after the title of "Dr." was omitted from his name.
December 14, 2021

Mehmet Oz, a celebrity doctor who is running as a Republican for U.S. Senate, lashed out at a newspaper on Monday after the title of "Dr." was omitted from his name.

During an appearance on Fox News, Oz accused The Philadelphia Inquirer of trying to silence him because the paper has announced that it would refer to him as "Mehmet Oz."

"They want to silence me," he told Fox News host Steve Doocy. "And I tell you, it is shocking that it would make them that uncomfortable this early in my campaign but I think it's reflective of the movement we represent."

"They're trying to cancel you," Doocy agreed.

"People see it. I mean, you can't look away," Oz continued. "Why would the Inquirer get involved in this process? Why would they not want to call me Dr. Oz. Everyone knows I'm Dr. Oz. But they don't think it's the right thing to do. They think it gives me an unfair advantage."

For its part, the Inquirer has said that it would refer to all candidates the same way.

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