November 30, 2021

On Fox and Friends, Brian Kilmeade misrepresented a Wall Street Journal article that used studies which lacked peer-review. Kilmeade pushed disinformation and claimed natural antibodies work better than vaccines to protect yourself from COVID.

Tuesday morning the Fox and Friends co-hosts were caterwauling over vaccine mandates being imposed by local municipalities.

Kilmeade went ballistic in support of the anti-vax crowd, claiming healthcare workers already have a natural immunity to COVID, so why should they be fired if they refuse the get the shot?

Then he lied when he cited a WSJ article about vaccines and infections.

Kilmeade said, "The Wall Street Journal did this big editorial over the weekend saying natural immunity according to Israel and different studies in Denmark (because we don't do the studies) is even more effective than vaccines with more durability in other cases."

In the beginning of the article, the WSJ clearly states: "One thing is clear: Vaccination is a far safer, more reliable strategy for acquiring immunity, given the risks of serious illness or death from infection."

The WSJ did cite a study from Israel, but the one from Denmark was early in the pandemic and not relevant to Israel's study.

And the Israel study wasn't peer-reviewed.

More real-world evidence would be needed to make the case that immunity from infection is superior to that from vaccination, said David Dowdy, associate professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

But that didn't stop other Fox News hosts from claiming natural antibodies were best to fight off COVID.

5.2 million people have died throughout the world so far from COVID. Almost 800,000 Americans have passed on.

So that's the cost anti-VAX assholes are willing to pay not to get the shot and instead let people get infected, suffer, and die?

If Fox News and right-wing media actually cared about their viewers they wouldn't allow this crap from being aired on a daily basis.

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