November 2, 2021

There is more than one election happening tonight, though you'd never imagine it from the way media is covering things today. In addition to the Virginia state elections, there are elections in New Jersey, there are mayoral elections, and more.

This is your open thread for results, which should start coming in after the polls close in Virginia at 7 Eastern and in New Jersey at 8 Eastern.

Reports indicate high turnout across Virginia and New Jersey.

We'll update as results warrant.

UPDATE: It looks like Republicans will have a clean sweep in Virginia. Eric Adams will be NYC's next mayor, and I haven't heard much about NJ. In New Hampshire, Democrats flipped a seat.

The real winner in Virginia is racism. Glenn Youngkin made it palatable, and served it up with a nice main course of Critical Race Theory.

UPDATE 2: Phil Murphy won re-election in New Jersey by 30 points. Phil Murphy's race is too early to call. Still, what is different about his race? Hmmm.

UPDATE 3: Phil Murphy's race is still too close to call, which is pretty shocking, actually. He's trailing but there are a lot of Dem votes yet left to count.

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