Texas gubernatorial candidate, NRA board member, conspiracy theorist Allen West has been hospitalized with COVID, pneumonia and low oxygen levels. Don't worry though, he says it's not serious:
.@NRA Board member and conspiracy theorist Allen West is headed to the hospital due to COVID. He recently wrote an op-ed saying Black Americans are more likely to get sick from junk food than COVID: https://t.co/L3F5cVW2cZ https://t.co/xpK8lIxRX5
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) October 10, 2021
He also claims he's been taking unproven drugs to ward off the virus:
Right-winger Allen West said Saturday that after not getting vaccinated and using unproven drugs to prevent COVID, he has contracted the virus and will likely be hospitalized with pneumonia and low oxygen.
The details came in a Twitter thread several hours after West announced he had COVID symptoms and was suspending in-person events for his Texas gubernatorial campaign.
The Trump-loving ex-congressman said he and his wife, Angela, who is vaccinated but also got infected, were treated with monoclonal antibodies, which can help stave off severe disease if used early enough.
“There’s a concern about my oxygen saturation levels, which are at 89 and they should be at 95,” West wrote.
“My chest X-rays do show COVID pneumonia, not serious. I am probably going to be admitted to the hospital.”
Being admitted to the hospital means it is serious. If he gets better it's going to be due to receiving the monoclonal antibody treatment he and his wife received on Saturday evening.
Nothing like another anti-vax COVID denier taking up hospital resources, but apparently that's a badge of honor these days with right-wingers.