President Biden met with House Democrats earlier today to discuss moving the infrastructure and Build Back Better bills forward together.
The leader of the Progressive Caucus, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, told the press as the meeting ended that getting the reconciliation bill done is of paramount importance.
"We need to get this reconciliation bill and you know it's gonna be tough," Jayapal said.
She continued, "We're gonna to have to come down on our number and we're going to have to do that work."
A reporter off-camera asked what time frame president Biden gave the House Democrats, Rep. Jayapal was clear: "There is no time table."
"The president is okay with that strategy?"
"The president said we are going to get both bills done..." Jayapal affirmed.
When the reporter asked about the corrupt moderates (my term) she said to ask them.
What progressives accomplished last night was to break the so-called moderates' blackmail. By forcing the infrastructure bill vote to remain coupled with the Build Back Better bill, progressives now have the upper hand on good faith negotiations.
We will keep you informed as the news comes in.