October 3, 2021

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo claimed over the weekend that the Black community had a "huge outpouring for conservative values" during the 2020 and 2016 elections.

Bartiromo made the remarks while interviewing Christian Walker, the son of Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker.

"What's your take on the Black community in terms of what they want to see in leadership in the U.S.?" Bartiromo asked Walker.

Walker insisted that his Republican father has "already built this foundation of trust" with Black voters.

"I think we're going to see a lot of demographics that don't even typically vote Republican come out and support my father," he explained.

"What about the Black community?" Bartiromo pressed. "I know that there was a huge outpouring for really conservative values in the 2016 and 2020 elections."

"I think the left is very gross to the Black community, demeaning," Walker opined, "and treats them like they are an other figure in the country, not like they're just everyday average citizens. And I think conservative values are beginning to resonate with them and they see that it's conservative ideals that are in their best interests."

Exit polls indicated that 87 percent of Black voters cast their ballots for Joe Biden in 2020.

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