October 20, 2021

Presumably, Bongino's contract with Cumulus would make it too costly for him to unilaterally terminate it. Or maybe snowflake Bongino wants Cumulus to do the deed so he can sue afterward!

Meanwhile, Bongino is holding himself up as a lover of liberty which, for him, means the right to spread killer germs to whomever anyone pleases either at work or anywhere else. Yet Bongino, who has Hodgkins’ lymphoma, has been vaccinated, The Washington Post notes.

Media Matters caught Bongino's October 18 on-air rant, which also streamed on Fox Nation. That was the same day Gen. Colin Powell became a poster child for the need for wider use of vaccinations and face-masks. Yet Bongino suggested Cumulus had only adopted its mandate to please the libs: “Cumulus, for some stupid reason, thought it would be a really good idea to do a vaccine mandate. Why they would do that, I have no idea,” Bongino claimed.

Noting that some at Cumulus had been fired or “moved into different positions” for refusing to go along with the mandate, Bongino declared, “I'm kind of done with that. Yeah, I'm not going to play along with that.” He then invited those who have been terminated to come on his show.

“I have been fighting this fight for a long time. This is not new,” the vaccinated Bongino continued. Then he offered his completely unqualified medical opinion on the “unethical” and “immoral” mandates: “I believe they don't take into account the science of natural -- natural immunity due to a prior infection. I believe they're broad-based and don't take into account an individual circumstances of why they may or may not want to take a vaccine.”

“I’m not going to let this go,” Bongino said, before adding, “candidly, I'd rather not be here today on this station or any of these stations. I'd rather just talk to you on my podcast.” Then he gave his ultimatum. He said he was doing the radio show “because I want something to change, and I'm giving them an opportunity to do it. But if they don't, this is going to be an entirely untenable situation going forward.”

Just in case anyone at Cumulus missed the point, Bongino all but asked to be fired:

BONGINO: I want you to know I'm not letting this go. I'm not even considering letting it go. I'm announcing it publicly, so, you know I'm not letting it go. I'm announcing it to them on their airwaves so they know, you know, I know, we know, and they know nobody's letting it go. But I promise you, I have no intentions of letting these guys get let go, get harassed because they made a private and personal medical decision on only one of the biggest issues of our time.

There is a very real thing called natural immunity. There's an even realer thing called freedom and liberty. This is a constitutional republic. People have the right to make their own medical decisions, and the company has the right to do what it wants as well. But if the company is going to -- I get that, I'm not naive to that. But if the company is going to make political decisions, and I believe this was a political decision. I don't believe this is based on any science. I could argue it all day. And they should at least recognize that the company is earning a lot of money off people who have the opposite political persuasion. Notably, me and others.

So like I said, I'll be inviting any of them on the show if they'd like to come on and speak about it being let go or being harassed. And we'll see where that goes.

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