As each day ticks by, Senators Manchin and Sinema keep declaring their desire to destroy the Biden administration's agenda, despite the fact that it is very popular with Americans and a big reason why Biden was elected.
Manchin received 290,510 votes to win a close race in West Virginia.
In Arizona Kyrsten Sinema received 1,191,100 votes to win her race by 2.4 points.
Joe Biden received 81,268,924 votes to squash Trump in 2020. That's the most votes cast for any US presidential candidate in the history of this country.
Yet these two Senators believe they are co-presidents and trying to deny millions of voters the policies they voted for.
Democrats in Arizona were energized to vote for Biden and all his spending plans which helped Sinema's colleague Mark Kelly swoop in for victory, but now she's turned into a Big Pharma corporate shill and wants to destroy Biden's entire legislative agenda.
Here’s the Economic Policy Institute’s analysis of the jobs impact: “Combined, the [Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act] and budget reconciliation package would provide fiscal support for more than 4 million jobs per year, on average, over the course of the 10-year budgeting window, through direct spending and increased indirect demand in related industries.”
But the combined number covers over the much larger impact of the reconciliation package: “On its own, the IIJA will provide fiscal support for 772,400 jobs per year, or 19% of the total jobs supported by the combined package. In comparison, the budget reconciliation is expected to support more than 3.2 million jobs per year, or 81% of the total jobs. The budget reconciliation’s outsize economic impact flows from its more significant financial commitment to public investments.”
Manufacturing would get 556,000 jobs.
Construction would get 312,000 jobs.
The reconciliation package’s investments in caregiving would mean 1.1 million jobs.
Investments in fighting climate change and protecting the environment would mean 763,000 jobs.
As Laura states, "So tell us again, Joe, how slashing the plan to ribbons is being fiscally responsible."
WTF Manchin, who are you supporting? It's not the working people of America.
On September 8th, Sen. Schumer bashed Manchin's call for a "strategic pause and said “We’re moving full speed ahead. We want to keep going forward. We think getting this done is so important for the American people.”
So do Americans. Biden's agenda is hugely popular among, even in Arizona.
In the newest poll 66% of all respondents support Biden's economic plans. 61% of independents support the new measures as well as 45% of Republicans.
It's time for Leader Schumer to stop pussy-footing around. He needs to sit these two down (along with anyone hiding behind them) and get them on the program. It's not enough to say things; he needs to do whatever needs to be done, pull whatever levers he can, to get them on board.
This rift is giving cover for the worst House Democrats to try and make waves as well.
Rep. KURT SCHRADER (D-Ore.) — one of approximately 10 moderate Democratic House members playing hardball with leadership — said he and several members of their group are on the same page. Some of the lawmakers have conveyed that message up the chain to leadership and the White House. A senior Democratic aide confirmed the warnings.
“If they delay the vote — or it goes down — then I think you can kiss reconciliation goodbye,” Schrader told Playbook. “Reconciliation would be dead.”
If reconciliation dies, the infrastructure bill dies too. So it would behoove the likes of Kurt Schrader to climb on board the Biden bus and stop undermining the goals so many Americans voted for.
Other polls show huge support for reconciliation as well. THREE IN FOUR VOTERS SUPPORT BUILD BACK BETTER RECONCILIATION PACKAGE
The House is Speaker Pelosi's issues to solve, but it's the Senate TWO that are screwing the American people right now. Pelosi knows how to get her caucus in line. Schumer should learn from her.
Mitch McConnell admitted he is praying for them. To fail. For f*cks sake. Don't you get it!
Shouldn't that tell them enough about what they should and must do?
If Senator Schumer doesn't want to go down as the worst majority leader in history he must get these people to get with the program.
The lives of hundreds of millions of Americans are on the line.