September 15, 2021

Trinidad and Tobago are none too pleased with the Hip Hop star, after she fed rumors on the internet that they nevertheless had to investigate, according to their minister of health.

Source: Business Insider

Nicki Minaj's bogus COVID-19 vaccine claims wasted the Trinidad and Tobago health department's time, according to the country's health minister.

Terrence Deyalsingh, Trinidad and Tobago's minister of health, led a COVID-19 update on Wednesday morning where he addressed the rapper's claims about the vaccine causing testicular swelling.

Minaj told a story about her cousin's friend in Trinidad, who she said became impotent and suffered from swollen testicles as a result of the vaccine, by way of explaining her absence from the Met Gala on Monday. She told her 22 million Twitter followers that she skipped the star-studded event due to its vaccination requirements, and the swollen testicles story quickly circulated online.

And as mentioned, Trinidad is not impressed.

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