September 3, 2021

The Dorchester District 2 School Board in South Carolina has voted to move district schools to seven days of virtual learning beginning right after Labor Day. This didn't sit well with one school board member, Barbara Crosby, who walked out because in-person learning was not an option. She wants kids back in school, no matter what. If some get sick and even die then so be it.

Live 5 news anchor Raphael James interviewed her afterward to get her reaction. James was a bit gobsmacked by what she said, or almost said. Namely, it wasn't her job to protect your kids, that it was up to God.

And of course this Bible-thumpin' sociopath is a Donald Trump fan, seen here speaking at his rally.

Source: Raw Story

But board member Barbara Crosby, who called for an end to classroom COVID-19 restrictions Nov. 2 at a Donald Trump rally, walked out of the workshop in protest because she was unable to vote for in-person learning, no matter what, because it was not included among the options on the agenda, according to the Friendly Atheist blog.

"Now, I hope and pray our kids don't get deathly ill or we don't lose any children," Crosby told WCSC anchor Raphael James afterward. "But you know what? That's not my -- that's up to God."

James were apparently taken aback by Crosby's nonchalance to child safety, so he asked the board member to clarify.

"No, I didn't say concern," Crosby said. "I said that's not going to be my decision. It's going to be -- I mean, God decides who lives or dies, right?"

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