September 26, 2021

NBC's Meet the Press faced criticism on Sunday after allowing Meghan McCain to lie about the popularity of President Joe Biden's Build Back Better agenda.

"I will say that President Biden ran on being a moderate," McCain explained during a panel segment on the program. "He ran and won with the help of independent, centrists, Trump-wary Republicans and he's not governing as one."

"The Build Back Better agenda is the most progressive modern agenda of all time," she continued. "And it's not polling well. So I think I'm just confused why they're doubling down on something that is cratering in the polls."

But a recent poll found that the Build Back Better Act has support from 66% of Americans.

"It is polling well. Why let her come on to lie?" Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin asked Meet the Press on Twitter.

McCain responded but did not correct her misstatement.

"Joe Biden IS his agenda. A presidents [sic] polls mean something - that the American people aren't happy with how he's governing or his agenda," she wrote. "Also, if Dems plan is to buy off American voters they'd better come up with a solution to the inflation that is raising prices for everyone."

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