September 5, 2021

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) on Sunday said that President Joe Biden should be removed from office for treason and schizophrenia.

During an interview on Fox News, Mast told host Jason Chaffetz that Biden deserved to be punished because of his actions during the U.S. military's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"No member of the cabinet is going to push for the 25th Amendment so I would say that one is out," Mast complained. "Impeachment is absolutely something that should be considered. I would say no less than 10,000 counts of reckless endangerment -- all of the American lives over there. That's the minimum."

"We know for a fact that the Taliban is the sworn enemy of the United States of America," he continued. "We are still in the midst of the war on terror and as I said, I would absolutely consider the manipulation of intelligence, giving aid and comfort to the enemy -- all three of those things are part of what meets the constitutional definition of treason."

Mast predicted that Democrats would not allow Biden to be impeached while they have control of Congress.

"He is hollow, his decisions are empty, they're void of wisdom," the congressman asserted. "We see a naïveté to the aggressors he's dealing with. Maybe there is an element of dementia there that we might hear about in years to come. But I would say at a minimum, this man appears to be schizophrenic with the statements that he's making in front of one camera and the way that they are changing in front of a different camera."

"There's definitely got to be schizophrenia there."

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