Another infuriating story about the unvaccinated harming those around them, in this case, a small child. Or at least this is what this looks like. Little Kali Cook was just four years old. She hadn't been in preschool since September 1, because her unvaccinated mother had contracted COVID. Just hours after being diagnosed, Kali died. It's quite possible that we're not getting the full story here about how sick Kali really was leading up to her tragic and entirely preventable death.
A GoFundMe page has been set up by her family.
Source: KHOU
GALVESTON COUNTY, Texas — Health officials in Galveston County reported Thursday that a child died from COVID-19.
It's the first child to die from COVID in the county, Galveston County Health District officials said.
The girl, identified as Kali Cook on a GoFundMe set up by her family, was just 4 years old.
She died at home Tuesday, health officials said. She's the youngest COVID-19 related death reported in the county. She had not been hospitalized prior to her death, officials said.
Her mother told The Galveston County Daily News that little Kali had a fever in the middle of the night, very early Tuesday morning, and she passed away just a few hours later.
And what happened, exactly?
“I got tested for COVID and became positive. I tried to quarantine myself from them. We have a two-story home. They were upstairs and I was downstairs,” Harwood said.
With five children, Harwood said they did their best and stayed home.
“I just wanted everybody to know that it happened so fast,” Harwood said. “By 2 a.m. [Kali] started to run a fever. My mom came down and asked my fiancee and me if we could help her take some medicine. We gave her some medicine and by 7 a.m. she was gone.”
Harwood said the day before Kali seemed perfectly fine. However, COVID has spread to her household.“My 5-month-old baby even has it. I’ve taken him to the hospital every night since because I feel like they’re not getting better, and I’m terrified,” Harwood said.
No one in the household was vaccinated. Connect the dots.
.@GalvCoTx has reported it's youngest covid-19 death. This is the Gofundme Page set up for 4-year-old Kali Cook of Bacliff. It's being reported the little girl had a fever Tuesday night, and died hours later. @KHOU #KHOU11
— Brittany Ford (@BFordKHOU) September 10, 2021