WUSA in Washington reports:
Four law enforcement officers who responded to the Capitol insurrection have now died by suicide, a sobering toll which doubled on Monday, after Metropolitan Police confirmed two of the department’s officers who responded on January 6 recently took their own lives.
Officer Kyle DeFreytag served in the city’s 5th District and was at the Capitol to enforce curfew violations, Metropolitan Police confirmed....
The confirmation of DeFreytag’s death came hours after a spokeswoman for MPD said Officer Gunther Hashida was found dead at his residence last Thursday. Hashida, who joined the department in May 2003, was most recently assigned to the department’s Emergency Response Team.
The commenters at Free Republic are responding just as you'd expect:
Sound like more like
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
I wonder what these folks knew?
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action” — Ian Fleming
The Men Who Knew Too Much.
The crying pussies on TV didn’t impress the public. So now we get this script change.
I don’t believe this many officers were so overcome by those Jan. 6th events. I absolutely could be wrong. I wasn’t there. But more ‘shocking’ and disturbing things happened elsewhere due to BLM and Antifa. Some of this is still happening. Some group of people in the Hidden Government are getting carried away with offing anybody who they disagree with. A little too strident and sure of themselves.
Refusing to lie for the narrative? Threats of the union, friends, credibility, scandal, destroying the family, harassment...and suicide?
Did he know the truth behind the Babbitt shooting?
And, of course, the Freepers' thoughts never stray far from their happy place:
"What are we to make of this?"
This is similar to the numerous NYC police suicides, the ones who saw the contents on the laptop of Huma.
Wasn’t near Marcy Park, was it?
There are similar responses at Gateway Pundit:
"Suicide" = murdered by the FBI for threatening to tell the Truth!
Sure enough... Arkancide pandemic incoming.
Now Nancy Pelnazi will be seen on TV with fake tears, saying how brave he was on Jan 6th. Blame Trump for his death, while she knows it was done by her henchmen all along.
Hitlery Suicided comes to mind, maybe commie pelosi is starting to learn from the pro.
But the comment thread also goes off into conspiratorial Crazy Town.
As the truth of the 2020 election fraud and FBI orchestrated “Capitol riot” unfold, suicides among Democrats will skyrocket. It’s either that or be raped in prison. Justice is coming!
The bodies of the vaxxed will start piling up this winter-spring! Then they plan to launch government sponsored BLM and shut down the internet and power...
Have always liked and largely agreed with your posts, but it makes no sense that the Globalists would kill off their compliant masses with the mRNA therapy.
I keep seeing that prediction here on TGP comments, but why would the NWO kill the most compliant among us - those that are all in on masks, lockdowns, experimental gene therapy, and Kool-Aid in general?
Those are the easily herded masses (I hate calling people "sheep") that the Global Overlords depend upon, so again it doesn't compute that they'd off all those that most readily submit to the Great Reset.
On the contrary - and you're reading this theory here first - could it be that the easily herded are being inoculated against a forthcoming stronger strain aimed at eliminating we who haven't obeyed?
They want to cull the disobedient first, tho.
Covid got rid of a lot of elderly people along with their pensions and social security benefits.
Most of us know to much...Most of us believe in and rely on one another...we know we are stronger in mass numbers...
So they intend to remove the older generation, that remember the real world and reduce the civilization into insecure half whits that follow orders and snitch on those that do not....
they want a global population of 500 million. they also are the first to turn on their countrymen.
the mrna shot is a rna encoder. they created this dna modifier with no direction. thats why you see so many different effects. they are watching and studying what their new toy can do. they will release it again with a targeted direction.
that one will be the bad one. they can also reverse these effects with a directed shot as well.
but they have to study what theyve created as it shows them what it can do to us first.
the final Vaccine will end all people who are not Chinese
Nope, they tricked the Chinese in to giving it to their people too by allowing them to be "first", they played on the ego of the CCP to get those idiots to inject their own!
each vaccine has its own job to do.
the last one will end all people who are not Chinese.
if they are not stoped first.****
The Chinese will not escape their treachery... most of the Chinese have already been vaxxed and are already dead.
that's because you don't realize (yet) how diabolical their plan is.
The new world order needs a submissive, illiterate, work-hungry population and they are now getting them by the thousands from countries in South America, Africa and China. Everything "white" has become obsolete and must be replaced. In the Kalergiplan 1920 it is called the depopulation and miscegenation, the formation of 1 docile population led by the elite.
There are also quite a few unabashed calls for violence.
Justice will happen when the American people get a rope!
worldwide agenda 21........ammo up
The ones torturing patriots in the DC Gulags need some "softening up" and then a rope.
Its disgusting isn't it? Our government cannot be saved,,,
But our country can... II Chronicles 7:14
I agree, but its going to take torches and pitchforks and gallows!
And copious amounts of liberal blood.
These people vote. They'll vote in 2022 and 2024. They're motivated. Are Democrats?
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