August 24, 2021

Fox News and Tucker Carlson are railing against bringing Afghan refugees back to the United States, continuing their xenophobic and racist approach to immigration in America.

Sen. Ben Sasse is favor of doing the right thing for the Afghan refugees so of course Carlson is attacking him.

"First of all, a great nation is a nation that keeps its word. The American people need to understand who we're talking about here. We're talking about men and women who risk their lives to protect Americans. They fought hand-in-hand with our troops and we made promises to them,"

This is tantamount to treason in Tuckems' mind. How dare we keep our promises? But the way in which he criticized the Sen. from Nebraska is indicative of his white power view.

Whining that Sasse isn't prioritizing Americans in Kabul, Carlson described Sasse as "the single guiltiest white man in America."

Racist much?

This is how a Neo-Nazi talks to his clan about any white person who they feel has betrayed their skin color.

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