August 15, 2021

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo confronted Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn (TN) on Sunday for failing to stop a bipartisan infrastructure bill from passing.

While appearing on Sunday Morning Futures, Blackburn insisted that President Joe Biden's administration is "weak."

"This administration is weak on every front," she argued. "Whether it is the out-of-control spending or whether it is misplaced priorities, this is a weak president. It is an administration that is not focused. They are not prioritizing what the American people want to see."

The Fox News host pushed back.

"You're right! The list does go on," Bartiromo said. "But, Senator, with all due respect, if they're so weak, why are they beating you? OK? The bottom line is the Democrats are winning. And we are about to see a major Green New Deal thanks to your colleagues. Mitch McConnell the other day praised President Biden for doing bipartisan work!"

"What's going on with the Republicans?" she continued. "You've gotten nothing out of this, except to say, yeah, we worked with our colleagues on the left. But they don't say that -- we've worked with our colleagues on the right. They don't care if you're there or not!"

Bartiromo added: "So if they are so weak, why are they beating you and your colleagues?"

"We're pushing back on this," Blackburn replied. "The good thing is the American people are beginning to push back with us."

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