It’s the latest bombshell from The Arizona Republic. The story is behind a paywall but Raw Story got a gander and reported:
"Much of the attention from Trump's allies was focused on Supervisor Clint Hickman, the 56-year-old lifelong Republican from a prominent West Valley family that runs an egg company. At the time, Hickman chaired the five-member Republican-controlled board, a position that gave him the power to set agendas, hold hearings on the election process, and certify — or delay — the 2020 election results," the newspaper explained.
Trump was so obsessed with stealing the election, he tried calling Hickman on New Year’s Eve. Hickman wanted nothing to do with the scheme and didn’t take the call. But Ward texted him at some point, "We need you to stop the counting."
This is similar to Trump’s effort to pressure George Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” 11,000 votes. That effort resulted in a criminal investigation of Trump by Georgia’s Fulton County attorney general. Let’s hope this effort does, too.
It makes you wonder, how many other states did Trump and his minions try to pressure?