Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread
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June 13, 2021

Definitely time for the kids to step up to help keep the Chicago Cubs together, no? "Can't expect Tom Ricketts to pay for everything," Bill Murray reminded us.


Here's your Sunday morning line-up according to Politico:

  • CNN“State of the Union”: Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
  • CBS“Face the Nation”: Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) … Andy Slavitt … Scott Gottlieb.
  • FOX“Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) … Mike Pompeo. Panel: Marc Thiessen, Catherine Lucey and Harold Ford Jr. Power Player: Donna de Varona.
  • ABC“This Week”: Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas). Panel: Rick Klein, Michèle Flournoy, Will Hurd and Amna Nawaz.
  • MSNBC“The Sunday Show”: Associate A.G. Vanita Gupta … Kimberly Atkins Stohr … Michael Gerson … Chris Matthews … Yamiche Alcindor … Katty Kay … Helene Cooper… Terry McAuliffe … Jeremy Bash … Ben Rhodes.
  • CNN“Inside Politics”: Panel: Olivier Knox, Laura Barrón-López, Melanie Zanona, Vivian Salama and John Harwood.

What's on your morning agenda?

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