Keith McCoy lobbied key senators to remove or diminish climate change measures from President Biden’s US $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs bill.
July 1, 2021

So why isn't this story being pounded by our craven corporate media? It's certainly timely, considering the world is on fire and all. Via Channel 4 in Britain, a senior ExxonMobil lobbyist has been caught on camera revealing how the company uses its power and influence to water down US climate legislation, most recently the climate change projects included in the infrastructure bill.

Go read it all.

The explosive footage was obtained by Unearthed, Greenpeace UK’s investigative platform, who posed as head-hunters to obtain the information from one of ExxonMobil’s most senior Washington lobbyists.

The recordings appear to reveal the secretive behind-the-scenes activities of a lobbyist for a company that claims in public to support action on climate change, while fighting against legislative attempts to tackle it.

ExxonMobil say they “have supported climate science for decades” and accuse Greenpeace of “waging a multi-decade campaign” against their company and industry.

Sure they have. Uh huh.

Geoffrey Supran, the Harvard researcher who has published on the company's efforts to mislead the public, said the videos show that "ExxonMobil has been a bad-faith actor on climate change for 30 years, and it still is."

UPDATE: The lobbyist is trying to lobby his way out of it!

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