As President Biden wrapped up his press conference in Geneva after meeting with Putin, CNN's Kaitlan Collins tried to put words in the president's mouth, which POTUS did not let go without a response.
"Why are you so confident he'll change his behavior Mr. President?" Collins asked.
"I'm not confident he's gonna change behavior!" Biden shot back. "What in the hell, What you do all the time?"
"When did I say I was confident?"
"You said in six months you would be able to determine that," Collins replied.
"What I said was -- Let's get it straight, I said was, I said what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacts to them and diminishes their standing in the world," Biden clarified. "I'm not confident of anything. I'm just stating a fact."
Collins pressed on: "But given his past behavior has not changed and in that press conference after sitting down with you for several hours, he denied any involvement in cyber attacks, he downplayed human rights abuses, he refused to say Alexei Navalny's name. So how does that add up to a constructive meeting as president?"
Biden snapped, "If you don't understand that you're in the wrong business..."
President Biden never said he was confident that Putin would ever change his behavior, but only that Russia's actions will determine how America and their partners respond.
UPDATE: A few minutes later as he was about to board Air Force One, the president apologized for being "short" and a "wise guy" about how he handled that question.