June 14, 2021

Fox News continually aired segments on Monday of a parent being outraged in one school district in New Jersey because the school board decided to change their holiday schedule look to simply indicate days off instead of specific holidays.

Host Bill Hemmer said parents in a township in New Jersey want the school board members to step down after they voted unanimously about a week ago to remove all holiday names from the academic calendar.

This is big news for right-wing media, apparently. Petitions to cancel people and administrators are the new It thing for MAGA nuts as they try and coerce their districts into being white supremacist jerk-offs.

Carley Shimkus said because of COVID parents are stepping up to protect their culture from changing.

What Shimkus really means is white culture is using blaring racist dog whistles like critical race theory to claim they are fighting against a "woke battle" against their schools.

Host Martha McCallum used a single example from a person from China and suggested that once one school district changes their holiday schedule, the left will turn all of America into communist China.

McCallum said, "This is the way it starts," to which Shimkus replied, "Oh my God."

She said, "I remember they would change the names of streets and then they changed the name of holidays and and then anything that have any religious connotation... If you don't recognize what's happening just look to these other places..."

Fox News is so desperate to support their QAnon base of crazies, they find a lone representation they can harp on and depict as representing all of the left in America.

One of their big pushes for the 2022 midterms is their claim the left is destroying America and turning into Venezuela or the dreaded China, because all they have is fear.

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