June 9, 2021

On Tuesday's The Five, the panel turned its ire against VP Kamala Harris's trip to Central America.

It didn't matter what the vice president did or said on her trip, because she refused to bend the knee to conservative critics who DEMAND she go to the border and hold a press conference.

As if they wouldn't attack her for that.

Geraldo called the Vice President's trip a disaster so far, 'she's blown it' BUT she could recover as she matures in office.

Trump hack, Fox contributor and Townhall editor Katie Pavlich went straight to the racist, anti-feminist, affirmative action card.

Pavlich said, "This is what happens when you choose your vice president based on gender and skin color rather than actual talent and expertise."

Geraldo interrupted, "Oh, I don't agree. That's way, that's so mean. She was Attorney General of the state of California and a United States Senator. You can't demean her..."

Pavlich's excuse to attack Harris was a typical Traitor Trump play. She attacked Kamala's race, gender, and qualifications because Harris didn't win the presidential nomination from the Democratic Party in 2020.

Fox News has become a pit of disgusting and hysterical rhetoric against all Democratic politicians and progressive ideals.

AM hate talk radio is now Cable TV conservative "news."

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