Everywhere we watch, listen and read, the media is attempting to normalize Traitor Trump and his sycophantic allies who have made white supremacy their national platform.
Critical race theory (CRT) and whacked-out QAnon memes are now codified in the right-wing media and are being used to instill hate and fear in this country to disastrous effect.
I've written thousands of articles either praising or criticizing all media outlets, but I have never seen anything like this since the traitorous former guy ran for office in 2015.
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In 2010, David Neiwert and I co-wrote a book called Over The Cliff, How Obama's election drove the American right insane, ( you can still order it as an e-book) where we meticulously outline how right-wing dark money organizations funded and Fox News amplified the now-infamous Tea Party rallies that led to the exposure of GOP's racist underbelly.
The most frightening book of the summer isn't by Stephen King. It doesn't feature vampires or werewolves or terrorists plotting in some far-off land. "Over the Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane" is a chilling portrait of hate-mongers right here in the United States. Authors John Amato and David Neiwert present a snapshot of a society lapping up vitriol, hyperbole and disinformation in the wake of the election of the first African American president.
Rick Perlstein put it in his blurb for the book:
John Amato and David Neiwert have produced a book that should stay on shelves for 50 years—long enough to remind us that at least some people understood the strange and vile energies consuming the social contract at the beginning of the third millenium. As a record of what is happening to American conservatism in the year 2010, Over the Cliff is unmatched.
We rightly prophesied that things would only get worse moving forward, but as usual, the Beltway media downplayed the idea entirely.
Traitor Trump was the result of the GOP's racism and misogyny. He co-opted evangelicals and still, the media shrugged -- until it was too late. Not only didn't they pay attention, they amplified him while failing to take him seriously.
For 17 years, we have been sounding the alarm about Republicans, Fox News, and right wing media. We have one of the most extensive video archives online, all self-hosted and available to anyone who wants to view the clips we've collected over the years.
Buy a yearly subscription or make as generous a donation as you can afford.
Or send a check via snail mail to:
PO Box 1789
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272