May 20, 2021

On January 6th, Rep. Mike Gallagher sent out an angry video condemning Donald Trump for the riot going on at the Capitol, saying “We are witnessing absolute banana republic crap in the United States Capitol right now. Donald Trump, you need to call this off!”

A week later he would write in an op-ed, "First, let’s be candid. President Donald Trump bears responsibility for the tragic events of Jan. 6, He lied to his supporters, insisted that his ‘sacred landslide’ election was stolen, and suggested that Vice President Mike Pence should or even could reverse the outcome. He then dithered for hours as the vice president, the Congress and its employees were in mortal danger, castigating Pence as a coward."

Yesterday, he voted along with 175 other Republican cowards to absolve Trump of any blame and rejected the bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan, 6 attack.

But that's not all from this piss-poor excuse for a Representative.

In February, before the first vote on Liz Cheney, he wrote that she was a "principled conservative and our most passionate advocate for American primacy," adding "She is also unafraid to clearly state and defend her views even if they are unpopular. As we figure out where Republicans go from here, we need Liz’s leadership. We must be a big tent party or else condemn ourselves to irrelevance."

Just before the second vote, when Cheney's ouster seemed imminent, he wrote: "House Democrats under Speaker Pelosi have been ruthless in advancing their radical progressive agenda, and Rep. Cheney can no longer unify the House Republican conference in opposition to that agenda. We need to take back the House in 2022 and permanently retire Pelosi."

Gallagher is poised to run for the U.S. Senate should Ron Johnson retire, which is what this is all about. Republicans who stand for nothing but their own ambition and Donald Trump ain't worth spit.

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, over the opposition of most Republican lawmakers.

In the end, 35 Republicans broke with their party leaders and joined all 217 Democrats in supporting the establishment of the panel.

Meanwhile, 175 Republicans opposed the commission, including all five GOP lawmakers from Wisconsin: Bryan Steil, Scott Fitzgerald, Glenn Grothman, Tom Tiffany and Mike Gallagher.

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