May 19, 2021

President Joe Biden's love of cars and driving is legendary. So it was no shock that his visit to the Ford electric vehicle factory in Dearborn yesterday would include a test drive of their new electric F-150 Lightning truck.

Look at Joe go!

According to the Detroit News, Biden pitched his plan to create more electric vehicle manufacturing in the United States, secure a domestic EV supply chain, ensure a nationwide network of charging stations, make EVs accessible to average consumers and do it with a unionized workforce.

"The future of the auto industry is electric. There's no turning back," Biden said. "The question is whether we will lead or we will fall behind in the race to the future."

The president's visit to the historic Rouge complex preceded Ford's planned unveiling of the electric version of the F-150 pickup, the best-selling vehicle in America, on Wednesday night. Biden pondered on stage whether he could lose the Secret Service to test-drive the truck, and by midafternoon, he was behind the wheel of an F-150 Lightning on the company's Dearborn test track.

"This sucker's quick," he told reporters. "It feels great. I'll tell you what, these electric vehicles — I don't know if anyone has a stopwatch, but these vehicles can go from 0 to 60 in about 4.4 (seconds)."

Yes, Joey loves his cars. If anyone can revitalize America's automotive industry, it's him. Go, Joe, go!

(P.S. Even Rachel Maddow geeked out over the truck.)

And from the mastermind behind the Obama campaign:

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