It really is supremely aggravating when the Beltway Press amplifies Republican bullsh*t, especially in Jen Psaki's briefing room.
Today's Correspondent Cow Pie Award goes to Kristen Welker. She used her time to ask Psaki if Ted Cruz "had a point" when he tweeted that Facebook's continuing ban on Trump's account should worry all us regular, non-treasonous, non-ex-presidential candidates, non-conspiracy-theory-obsessed, non-sociopathically and criminally negligent folks that we, too, might be silenced.
Really, Welker? Asking Psaki if Cruz has a point?
Psaki schooled her, as she does anyone who brings this Trump-ass-kissing drivel into her briefing room.
“Let me first say that this is an independent board’s decision, and we will not have any comment on the future of the former president’s social media platform. That is a decision that it sounds like the independent board punted back to Facebook to make in the next six months, as I know you all have reported," said Psaki. As in, Welker should know this, because her network has reported it.
Then Psaki continued, "The president’s view is that the major platforms have a responsibility related to the health and safety of all Americans to stop amplifying untrustworthy content, disinformation, and misinformation, especially related to COVID-19 vaccinations and elections, and we have seen that over the past several months, broadly speaking."
In other words, try not to be a treasonous, murderous, inciter of violence and death, maybe.
Psaki was careful (and correct) not to lay that accusation solely at Facebook's feet. "I’m not placing any blame on any individual or group. We have seen it from a number of sources. He [Biden] also supports better privacy protections, and a robust antitrust program. His view is that there is more that needs to be done to ensure that this type of misinformation, disinformation, damaging, sometimes life-threatening information, is not going out to the American public.”
Glutton for punishment, or just too excited to continue to push the GOP agenda, (why not both?) Welker STILL insisted on asking if this was a First Amendment issue. "Where does the White House draw the line on that?" As if private companies don't have the right to regulate what speech is allowed on their own platforms*.
As usual, Psaki was ready to hand Welker her hat.
“We are, of course, a believer in First Amendment rights. I think what the decisions are that the social media platforms need to make is how they address the disinformation, misinformation, especially related to life-threatening issues like COVID-19 and vaccinations, that continue to proliferate on their platforms.”
The decision newsrooms need to make is if they want their journalists injecting delusional, incendiary, right-wing talking points into the body politic, or asking questions that might actually inform and educate the public about what the Biden administration is doing.