Anti-Vaxxer Who Drove Through Vaccine Tent Going To Jail
Credit: Blount County Sheriff's Department
May 27, 2021

It's a drive-through to get a vaccine, but anti-vaxxer Virginia C. Brown drove through for something else.

A sheriff deputy observed Ms. Brown drive her blue Chrysler SUV through the site's tent, where seven of the vaccine staff were working. "No vaccines!" she was reported to yell.

She drove through to the other side of the tent, where she was eventually arrested. Womp womp.

The seven people in the tent said they felt their lives were in danger, but she said it was just a protest and she was only going five miles an hour...INSIDE the tent.

News 4 Nashville says "While sitting in the back of the deputy’s car, she made several statements to deputies about wanting to protest the vaccine."

Her mug shot is above, and she's going to go through some things.

As one wise tweeter noted: maybe we need more drive-thru mental health sites, too.

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