April 27, 2021

Tuesday morning Fox and Friends jumped on a faux New York Post article that had already been debunked.

It's come to this, folks.

The fake news story claimed a children's book Kamala Harris had written in 2019 was being given as a welcome gift to migrant children in a new Long Beach facility.

During yesterday's White House press conference, Steve Doocy's son Peter brought it up (of course) and actually asked if the Vice President was making money off these books. Jen Psaki obviously had no idea what he was talking about... since it was a lie.

Peter Doocy's entire function is to regurgitate any rumor or phony story that attacks the Biden administration to get a sound bite for FoxQ.

The QOP, in their usual ham-fisted fashion, made believe it was fact and tweeted idiocy like this:

This morning the Washington Post fact-checker debunked the story completely and the NY Post writer who penned the diatribe, Laura Italian, refused to respond to their inquires.

All it took was for the Washington Post to contact the city of Long Beach and the spokesperson immediately explained it was one book of hundreds that had been donated to a newly formed facility.

"Long Beach city officials told The Washington Post that Harris’s book is not being handed out in welcome kits. A single copy of the book was donated during a citywide donation drive, officials said."

That didn't stop the trio of mindless sycophants to ask the question again. Remember when Jon Stewart defined "Cavuto-ing" as asking a question so a false right-wing talking point could be "added to the conversation"? It's happening more and more on Fox.

Slipping lies and conspiracies into "the conversation" is the only game they have to play.

The idiot Kilmeade wondered where Donald Trump's children book was? "He's written quite a few of them," he said.

Ainsley Earhardt then told the other two ingrates that the Washington Post had debunked the NY Post report as not being accurate and said it was a single donation.

Poppa Doocy ignored Earhardt's words and said, "I think the question was if the government was paying for the book, and whether or not [Harris] was making money on it. It sounds like a third party, an NGO is buying them, perhaps."

NO, idgit. It was a single donation from a private citizen.

But lie away.

Doocy then out of whole cloth ranted about if an NGO spends money on buying Harris's books, "why wouldn't they spend the money to buy food?"

The NGOs aren't spending money on buying children's books as evident by your co-host's own words.

Keep spreading conspiracy theories, lies, and white supremacy beliefs. It's all that he does.

What's amazing about this idiotic nonsense is these FoxQ chimpanzees were mute when Trump's daughter and son-in-law made millions of dollars and received Chinese trademarks while "working" for the US government.

UPDATE: Sean Spicer spreads the lie. This morning.

UPDATE 2: The New York Post has taken the story down and redirected the link to their home page.

UPDATE 3: The reporter who wrote the article has resigned:

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