March 24, 2021

In a Senate hearing today, Hyde-Smith justified Georgia’s efforts to prevent early voting on Sundays, a day Black churches regularly hold "souls to the polls" events after Sunday services, by arguing that’s what God would want.

“I cannot speak for Georgia, but I can speak for Mississippi on why we would never do that on a Sunday or hold an election on Sunday,” Hyde-Smith said. She then noted that U.S. currency states, “In God we trust,” as does an etching in the U.S. Senate, and that witnesses in the Senate are sworn in saying, “So help me God” (she forgot to mention that the House abolished that phrase).

“God’s word, in Exodus 20:18, it says remember the Sabbath and keep it holy,” Hyde-Smith added.

Sorry, Senator, but that’s a load of unholy crap. For one thing, you were caught on video saying, in 2018, “There's a lot of liberal folks in those other schools who that maybe we don't want to vote. Maybe we want to make it just a little more difficult. And I think that's a great idea."

For another, “God” may be the same thing as Christianity to you but it most definitely isn’t intended that way in the U.S. Constitution (see First Amendment). Jews observe the sabbath on Saturday, e.g. And since clergy at Black churches lead congregations to vote on Sundays, clearly they don’t see it as a religious infraction, either.

We can add hypocrisy to deceit here: Hyde-Smith didn’t seem to have a problem with being sworn into office on a Sunday.

One last thing: the Exodus phrase Hyde-Smith quoted is not from 20:18, as she said, but 20:8-11.

So, if Senator Hyde-Smith wants to make it harder for (Black) people to vote, she might as well come out and say so. Because the God excuse couldn’t look more dishonest.

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