If you are reading this article you probably are a big consumer of Twitter and, maybe, Facebook. You might have an Instagram account to post videos of your food or travel or maybe to keep an eye on your kids. But do you have a TikTok? If not, you are absolutely missing out on one of the most brilliant and hilarious duos on social media - PartyShirt.
Los Angeles based writer, Paddy Fallon, wrote about them in an article in the Capistrano Dispatch back in the summer of 2020. At the time I did not have a TikTok, so I had no idea what I was missing out on. For those that are not on the platform, TikTok is a video sharing site that allows users to create their own content, either themselves in live video, compilations of photos with text and music superimposed or duets with other users videos. Videos range from 15 seconds to a full minute in length. They also allow users to use overlays, special effects, sounds, text bubbles and hashtags to make their content more searchable, similar to Twitter.
So back to PartyShirt and why they are such a great content producing duo. The article about them in the summer gives a little background on the guys behind the viral videos. Made up of Nick Iavarone (Ivy) and Australian Xavier Di Petta (X), they initially started in music, producing a video called "Dancing Tonight" that actually found a huge audience on, you guessed it, TikTok. The song has been featured in a ridiculous amount of TikTok videos.
Their videos on TikTok are absolutely addictive, both for the content and because of the charisma and energy from X and Ivy themselves. Their videos are generally duets with other content producers. The premise is simple: They find (or are tagged) in videos where other users present tricks - scientific, technological or just plain entertaining. Then, X and Ivy attempt to recreate the video and prove if it is "fact or cap". Easy, right? Not always. Some of the videos are just funny, involving food tricks. But many are pretty dangerous, involving dismanting batteries, lighting things on fire, cooking using very hot oil, etc.
In addition to their viral TikTok account, they also continue to work on music and frequently mention their YouTube account and their Instagram account.
I am going to try to do a few posts a week of some of The Best PartyShirt TikToks, to make sure you have something to talk to your teens or grandkids about. Here are some from just the last few days!
Please god do not do this one:
@partyshirt Popcorn in oil? via @anitex.x
Thank god the thing didn't explode.
I loved this boiled egg hack.
Breaking down tech disinfo around iPhone unlocks.
So many videos involving charging cell phones with food (Narrator: it NEVER works)
One of my favorites, because (a) those hats are banging and (b) coca cola gummies are literally the most delicious gummies around: coca cola gummies!
So look forward to more of their videos and please tweet at me any that you want me to feature at @redpainter1
All fact.