And by "cancel," we mean that Dobbs show is canceled and he has made his final appearance -- just before Trump's impeachment trial begins.
February 5, 2021

Now that Trump isn't there for Lou Dobbs and Fox News to genuflect to every day, Fox has summarily terminated Lou Dobbs, effective yesterday. Oh man, that cancel culture over on the right is something else.

You read that right. Dobbs' last show was yesterday and they will be launching “Fox Business Tonight,” with rotating substitute hosts Jackie DeAngelis and David Asman, who filled in for Dobbs on Friday, according to the LA Times

Interesting to me that they would terminate Dobbs just before Trump's impeachment trial. I would have thought that he could have provided commentary to go along with the conspiracy theories.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, Fox insists Dobbs' termination had absolutely nothing to do with the multi-billion dollar defamation lawsuits filed against Fox News and their hosts. No, it's just a "re-evaluation" of their programming after they hired Larry Kudlow and things.

Rumor has it Jeanine Pirro is next. Stay tuned!!!

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